BLBS Fall Ball began to provide High School players an opportunity to showcase their talent before college scouts while gaining valuable game experience and extended quality training. Games are played at top High School fields in Columbus (such as Gahanna, Grandview Heights, Westerville Central, Westerville South, & Worthington Kilbourne). Season begins in late August and ends in early October.
Dates: Announced March 2025
Price: Announced March 2025
The 12 game season consists of one doubleheader per weekend (all games are either Saturday or Sunday). Game start times are either 9:00am for the morning or 1:45pm for the afternoon doubleheaders.
We reserve the final weekend (Week 6) for the League Tournament. During the tournament each team is guaranteed two games (to complete the 12 game season). The tournament pairings will be based on the first five weeks of play (excluding rain instances). The tournament format may require a third Championship game to be played the following weekend.
Two All Star teams from the JV and the Varsity will be selected to play in their respective division games at Huntington Park, home of the Columbus Clippers in mid October. Coaches nominate and select the players.
The League features a 12 game season culminating with Varsity and JV League All Star Games at the Clipper's Huntington Park.
Registration for 2024 Fall High School Teams. This link is for coaches to register their teams.
For players to register with their teams. Only for players already on a team, NOT free agents.
Free Agent registration for Fall 2024 - HIGH SCHOOL.
High School Fall Ball allows the coach to focus on the players and managing the games while Big League takes care of all the details of field maintenance, league administration, umpires, scheduling and standings.
The league is comprised of two divisions; experienced players (Varsity level Sophomores, Junior, & Seniors) should compete at the Varsity level and incoming freshman and sophomores should play at the Junior Varsity Level. Freshmen & Sophomores may compete in the Varsity Division after an evaluation or submitting a coach referral.
The OHSAA roster limitation of 6 players from the same high school program presents both coaches and Big League with some unique challenges. Big League will help coaches with a core of players complete their roster from the free agent pool while coaches with an OHSAA roster compliant team can keep their teams together. Big League will then build rosters conforming to the OHSAA rule while still providing a competitive mix of players (pitchers, catchers...etc).
The playing fields are at various high schools throughout Columbus and surrounding areas, chosen specifically for the high quality of the playing surfaces and commitment from their respective head coaches to prepare and maintain them for our league play.
BLBS Fall Ball affords players the opportunity to gain valuable game experience and extend quality training long after the regular baseball season.
Those who excel in Fall Ball will have the opportunity to showcase their talent before family, friends and scouts at the Varsity and Junior Varsity All Star Games played at the home of the Minor League Columbus Clippers - Huntington Park in Columbus.
Since its inception nearly two decades ago, Big League Baseball School's former Major and Minor League staff has developed and assisted hundreds of students and Fall Ball participants in preparing to advance to the college and professional levels.
Free Agents are players who possess the ability to compete at a high school level, but are not currently affiliated with an existing team. We recommend incoming freshmen free agents register with the JV Division.(freshmen wishing to play at the Varsity level may be asked to complete an evaluation by the Big League staff)
Step 1 Player registers as a Free Agent
Your registration will reveal:
Step 2 The placement process begins
Step 3 Once an agreement is made between a Coach and Free Agent
Big League Baseball School High School Fall Ball observes the Ohio High School Athletic Association roster limitation rule of no more than 6 players from the same high school program on any one team.
All leagues follow Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) Rule Book with the following exceptions:
High School Fall Ball will be played at various high school fields in/around the Columbus area. These fields are among the best in Central Ohio and therefore it is important we treat them well in order to continue using them. Please take note of the following responsibilities:
Year End Tournament